Actualités en direct des projets (non traduites)
Nouvelles en VO
Wanless Mersenne +2 - 12-digit factor of P2203 has now been found by the project...
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...314093 times - still no sign of any larger factors
iThena - Application: iThena OONI Probe
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There may be errors for this application at this time.
However, please report any bugs or issues to us.
World Community Grid - New home, new look, same mission
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World Community Grid - New home, new look, same mission
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Einstein@home - The lucky ones!
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Whenever Einstein@Home finds a new neutron star, there is always one workunit in which that discovery "stands out" from the noise with the highest statistical significance. The volunteers whose computers processed that workunit receive framed discovery certificates, signed by myself and by the Principal Investigator of the experiment/collaboration that provided the data. Over the past decade, we have sent out more than a hundred of these, and we are now preparing a new batch. If you are interested, here is a photo album showing our past "lottery winners", along with their discovery certificates
SRBase - Changing of reporting primes to TOP5000
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All other primes from you are not affected and will be reported as usual.
- World Community Grid - Planned Maintenance on Thursday, September 16
- World Community Grid - Planned Maintenance on Thursday, September 16 [Completed]
- World Community Grid - World Community Grid finds a new home at Krembil Research Institute
- World Community Grid - World Community Grid finds a new home at Krembil Research Institute
- ODLK1 - New tasks
- Wanless Mersenne +2 - New server