Part 2 of the 10^21 search will be over some time in March this year, so it's time to start getting ready for part 3! I found a few bugs in the current GPU applications that needed to be fixed (CPU applications are fine).
To make sure everything works as intended, I will launch a small beta-test of the part 3 search by the end of this week. The new work units will require ~2.5-2.7 GB RAM on CPU, and the same amount of RAM on GPU (for GPU applications), so the minimum requirement for GPUs will be 3 GB RAM.
The purpose of the test is to confirm that all OS/CPU/GPU combinations work properly and confirm that 3 GB GPUs can process the new work units.
Actualités en direct des projets (non traduites)
Amicable Numbers - Beta test of part 3 of the 10^21 search
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