Hello everyone, just wanted to give some updates about the machine learning - python jobs that Toni mentioned earlier in the "Experimental Python tasks (beta) " thread. What are we trying to accomplish? We are trying to train populations of intelligent agents in a distributed computational setting to solve reinforcement learning problems. This idea is inspired in the fact that human societies are knowledgeable as a whole, while individual agents have limited information. Also, every new generation of individuals attempts to expand and refine the knowledge inherited from previous ones, and the most interesting discoveries become part of a corpus of common knowledge. The idea is that small groups of agents will train in GPUgrid machines, and report their discoveries and findings. Information of multiple agents can be put in common and conveyed to new generations of machine learning agents. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time something of this sort is attempted in a GPUGrid-like platform, and has the potential to scale to solve problems unattainable in smaller scale settings. Why most jobs were failing a few weeks ago? It took us some time and testing to make simple agents work, but we managed to solve the problems in the previous weeks. Now, almost all agents train successfully. Why are GPUs being underutilized? and why are CPU used for? In the previous weeks we were running small scale tests, with small neural networks models that occupied little GPU memory. Also, some reinforcement learning environments, especially simple ones like those used in the test, run on CPU. Our idea is to scale to more complex models and environments to exploit the GPU capacity of the grid. More information: We use mainly PyTorch to train our neural networks. We only use Tensorboard because it is convenient for logging. We might remove that dependency in the future.
