Further to the news Ya!vaConf 2021 a presentation (PDF) is available online. Title in polish: "BOINC + ElasticStack = architektura zbierania, gromadzenia, przetwarzania i archiwizowania danych w kontekście projektu obliczeń rozproszonych iThena".

English translation of the title: "BOINC + Elastic Stack = architecture for data collection, gathering, processing and archiving in the context of the iThena distributed computing project".

CAIDA catalogue data: https://catalog.caida.org/details/media/2021_yavaconf_ithena

PDF link: https://cybercomplex.net/docs/YAVA_CONF_2021_BOINC_ELK_ITHENA.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iThenaProject/status/1418610178694516742
