What you all collectively do during the next 35 days will determine whether PPSE is included in the 2025 edition of Tour de Primes. If you want to help PPSE to be included in this year's Tour de Primes (TdP), please run PPSE and do NOT run GFN-17. PPSE is about 10 thousand digits below what is necessary to currently be eligible for T5K, and thus for TdP. It's possible to make up the difference in the time remaining before TdP starts (February 1st), but there are currently too may new primes being added to T5K, and each new prime raises the threshold. Primarily, these primes are GFN-17. Your choice is simple: run PPSE and you're more likely to have an easy project with which to earn a TdP badge in February. Run GFN-17, and you'll probably need to find a megaprime to earn a TdP badge. Everyone is, of course, free to run whatever projects they want to run. It helps, however, to have the information necessary to make an informed decision.
