Actualités en direct des projets (non traduites)
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SRBase - base S820 Megaprime
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The prime 17665*820^368211+1 has 1.072.903 digits and entered the entered the T5k PrimePages.
LHC@home - Seasons greetings
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Many thanks to all our volunteers for your crunching and contributions!
Here are some highlights from 2024 at CERN.
Greetings and best wishes for 2025!
Yoyo@home - P75 ECM factor!
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Yafu - Aliquot sequence 3095910 has terminated!!!
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Einstein@home - Results from Einstein@Home supernova remnant search published
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The results of a new Einstein@Home search in public LIGO data have been published in The Astrophysical Journal: “Deep Einstein@Home search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from the Central Compact Objects in the Supernova Remnants Vela Jr. and G347.3-0.5 using LIGO public data”. The paper is also available on the arXiv preprint server.
Einstein@home - Results from Einstein@Home supernova remnant search published
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The results of a new Einstein@Home search in public LIGO data have been published in The Astrophysical Journal: “Deep Einstein@Home search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from the Central Compact Objects in the Supernova Remnants Vela Jr. and G347.3-0.5 using LIGO public data”. The paper is also available on the arXiv preprint server.